
 12  Hemorrhoid –
Are there traces of Hepatophilic Virus in your body?
Internal hemorrhoid

Patients suffering from hepatophilic virus is often complicated by heat in the intestine due to deficiency of the liver and the lungs. As the large intestine is closely related with the lungs, that is, of exterior & interior relationship, it is easy to cause constipation, granulated and solid stool and hot anus, which are the results of the cloudy swelling of the hepatic cells caused by hepatitis, the gradual rise of the pressure on portal veins and the increase of the blood flow of the stomach and intestines caused by the changes of the visceral blood flow dynamics, varicosity of the colon veins and varicosity of the rectal venous plexus, thus easily resulting in colon and proctopolypus and, thus cause the formation of hemorrhoid and caner.

The main symptom of internal hemorrhoid is to have blood in the stool, ie hematochezia bleeding per rectum. The color and volume of blood are determined by the position of bleeding. Anus examination may find changes in the hemorrhoid, proctoptosis and even proctoptoma in more serious cases. Long-time and repeated bleeding per rectum is often regarded as the main factor to induce deficiency of blood and qi and secondary obesity.

In terms of the pathology of chronic virus hepatitis, the complication of bleeding per rectum in the early stage of internal hemorrhoid, no matter how much the blood is, should merit full attention. For cases with blood in the stool but not established as hepatitis, it is absolutely necessary to rule out hepatophilic virus and timely medication of the traditional Chinese medicine and systematic treatment are necessary in order to get a cure and prevent recurrence of blood in the stool. Caution cannot be dispensed with.
External homorrhoids

Hepatitis may lead to thrombosed external hemorrhoids due to hot intestines, which often recur due to intake of hot food during hepatitis. When it recurs, the external hemorrhoids protrude out of the anus, often complicated by local pains, restlessness and maybe bacterial infestation in serious cases.

Proctoptosis is the result of deficiency of the zhongqi (Qi of the middle energizer). Other similar cases are gastroptosa and hysteroptosis. It occurs often due to deficiency ofzhongqi after hemorrhoids are formed due to the high pressure of the portal veins and dampness and heat of Xiajiao (the lower energizer lower portion of the body cavity) in cases of chronic hepatitis. When chronic hepatitis is cured, proctoptosis would improve to varying degrees in most cases.

Dampness, erosion and itching of the anus and pudental skin and mucosa and morbid leucorrhoea 

Apart from lip mucosa, virus mucosa change causes dampness, hyperraemia, erosion, and itching and even inflammable dropsy around the anus and of the pudental mucosa, with secretion increasing markedly and hyperraemia like a spring during the active period of hepatophilic virus. The case is often misdiagnosed as common pudental inflammation. If the chronic hepatitis is cured by systematic treatment using traditional Chinese medicine, the virus mucosa pathological changes would be restored to normal.