11 Bone and joints deformation –
are there traces of Hepatophilic Virus in your body?
Metabolic osteopathy
The group of metabolic osteopathy caused by the imbalance in the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus and VD include osteoporosis, rickets and osteopmalacia. The abnormal development of bones may be regarded as being associated with the infestation of hepatophilic virus during the infant stage. Infant patients, too, could suffer from deficiency in the liver essence, which is not enough to nourish the bones, thus resulting in bone malnutrition, rickets or hepatogenous osteodystrophy clinically. After growing up, with the development of hepatophilic virus, the liver is thrown into dysfunction, causing obstruction in the absorption of calcium by the intestine, low calcium content in the blood, the increase of the activity of osteoclast (Robin’s myeloplax), osteolysis, the outflow of calcium from the bone to keep the balance of blood calcium. Meanwhile, the bone cannot get replenished with calcium, thus resulting in osteoporosis and hepatogenous osteodystrophy, possibly complicated by all kinds of troubles in the joints, such as long-time persistent lumbago, 50-shoulders, tennis elbow and hallux varus.
Gout Gout is a kind of recurrent red, inflammation, pain and movement obstruction of the joints resulting from deficiency of the liver and kidney and osteodystrophy. The main cause is the excessively high uratic acid in the blood resulting from the imbalanced uratic metabolism. Apart from causing acute or chronic gout, the high uratic content in the blood may also cause the sedimentation of tophus in the joints, soft tissues and cartilage, thus leading to deformation of joints, possibly complicated by kidney stone. Systematic treatment of chronic hepatitis by traditional Chinese medicine may bring the gout symptom under control and recurrence of the disease could be reduced.
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is also the result of the deficiency of the liver and kidney resulting from the infestation of hepatophilic virus. Due to long-time deficiency of the kidney essence, the bones cannot be nourished, thus leading to hepatogenous osteodystrophy, chronic imbalance of the liver functions, which, apart from gout, m ay lead to rheumatoid arthritis, often complicated by the damage of a numb e r of body systems. Rheumatoid arthritis is a global desmosis characterized by non-suppurative inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. It mostly occurs among young and middle aged people, with women cases being more than men’s. It mostly invades such small joints as fingers, wrists, knees, ankles, ribs and toe joints, often symmetric, causing joint deformation, rigidity and pains. It develops slowly, on and off. Virus hepatitis infested by hepatophilic virus often causes rheumatoid arthritis due to immunization reactions. When the hepatitis trouble is cured, the rheumatoid arthritis would be relieved, cured or at least not recur and even the deformation of the joints can be improved.![]()