Psoriasis and neurodermatitis
Psoriasis is also called “silver pityriasis” (銀屑病) in China. The term “psoriasis” in TCM was first seen in the book “Shi Yi De Xiao Fang” (世醫得效方) (Effective Formulas tested by Physicians for Generations) in Yuen dynasty. Psoriasis indicates that the dermal macular eruptions form patches which possess mainly a rough surface and deep linings like lichen. It is also called obstinate tinea, those involving the neck called collar sore. The related dermal diseases like neurodermatitis and purities due to liver disease, diabetes neurosis, and diseases of the visceral organs leading to symmetrical hypertrophy and coarseness, and lesions with deep dermal striae, all belong to this category.
According to statistical data, 12% of psoriasis occur before 10 years old, and 25% occur between 10-19 years and more occur in aged individuals because of menopause, deficiency of kidney qi, deficiency of qi and blood, wind generated from the interior, attack of exogenous evil and lack of compactness and nutrition of skin. In patients with weak constitution, the course of disease may be prolonged. The site of pathology in this disease should be the heart, liver, spleen and also the lung and kidney may be involved. In fact, its clinical classification in TCM is extremely similar to chronic hepatitis, for example:
Introduction of cases
Case 12
Wong (code number 2646), male, aged 74. His first visit was on September 2001 and the complaint was abnormal liver function and psoriasis for 10 more years. For a long time, there were irregular erythematous patches over the outer surface of the thighs and pretibial region of both limbs and at the dorsal surface of the feet. There were also symmetrical skin lesions which were pigmented, brownish, hypertrophic and desquamating. Physical examination: tongue enlarged with multiple fissures, the coating sparse and yellowish white; hepatomegaly of 1.5 cm. In both lower extremities conglomerate telangieclases (集族性毛細血管擴張) could be seen. The diagnosis was chronic hepatitis with TCM classification of “liver stagnation and lung dryness form”, “wetness-heat vaporization form”, associated with psoriasis and bronchiectasis (支氣管擴張).
After taking 3 parcels of TCM drugs, the liver returned to normal. There was blood tinged yellowish sputum in the morning and the tongue coating was thick and geographic. The mental status was good and fatigue abated. Edema of the lower extremities was (+). He continued to take the TCM drugs for a week and the dermal pruitus subsided, the skin lesions did not progress; the tongue coating disappeared with regression of the fissures, and the abdominal distention decreased.
He continued the TCM treatment and the blood tinged purulent sputum showed a lighter color. The erythematous patches over the limbs as well as the eruptions gradually subsided. Four weeks later, the sputum showed only tiny red particles and the coughing decreased; but the eruptions appeared occasionally. Six weeks afterwards, blood tinged sputum was inconspicuous and the skin itching stopped but occasionally there was transient erythema. The tongue was apparently clean and edema of the lower limbs disappeared. A total number of 46 parcels of TCM drugs were taken after which the medication was stopped for observation.
Case 13
Wong (code number 2396) female, age 34 years. She first visited the clinic on March 2001 with the chief complaint of repeated sorethroat, abundant clots in menstruation and pruritus of skin at the internal side of both ankles. She had a history of rheumatic arthritis and had hyperthyroidism but did not receive treatment.
Physical examination: puffy appearance, upper eye lids edematous, mild exophthalmos (輕度眼突), abdomen soft and distended, hepatomegaly of 1.5 cm, (+) edema of lower extremities, at internal side of both ankles symmetrical localized skin lesions, showing erythema, hypertrophy, lichenification, fissures, desquamation and scratch marks. The diagnosis was chronic hepatitis, presenting the symptoms of first, second, fourth and sixth forms of TCM classification, associated with thyroid hyperfunction (內分泌失調甲亢) and neurodermatitis.
After 3 parcels of TCM drugs, the liver was normal but there was still abdominal cramps and diarrhea. There were still clots in the menstrual blood which was somewhat larger in amount; the lesions in the lower extremities improved and the dermal pruritus in front of the ankle decreased. During the TCM therapy, there were frequent abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Acne appeared for a time. The menses following were normal; edema of the lower extremities disappeared. Finally, there was no more pruritus, the skin lesions subsided leaving some pigmentation. The total course of treatment was 8 weeks, at the end of which clinical cure was obtained and the patient was followed up.
By WONG Kwok Hung
published on 20th November 2001
(translated by Professor ZHENG Hua En in 2003)