“Blockage of channels and stasis of blood”, “wetness-heat vaporization” and “deficiency of energy and blood” are three forms classified by traditional Chinese medicine in chronic virus hepatitis. The symptoms of these forms often present cause and effect relationships; they are related with one another and often times coexisting in one patient. Therefore, some extra-hepatic diseases are in fact formed gradually by the invasion of pestilential evils. The human body is an unified organic structure and the forms classified actually have no distinct boundaries. The case and effect relationships of the above three forms can be appreciated in “portal hypertensive gastric disease” and to recognize the nature of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine one must obey the “concept of wholism”.
Portal hypertnesive is the undoubtable consequence of chronic hepatic disease. In so far as the pathology of virus hepatitis is developing, the pressure of blood which flows into the portal vein and inferior vena cava will become higher day by day and this may lead to disturbance of return of blood in abdominal organs and in veins of the lower extremities and also dysfunction in blood coagulation. Therefore, in physical examination for chronic hepatitis patients, one may find on the patients’ thoracic wall or lower extremities prominent veins, collateral circulation formation, massive telangiectasis (毛細管擴張) and further more venous varicosities of the lower limbs and hemorrhoids may be formed and clinically portal hypertensive (高壓性的) gastric symptoms may appear. In severe cases, there may be hematemesis (嘔血) or hematochezia (便血).
With the appearance of the above symptoms, in physical examination, the patient may show abdominal distension and abnormal area of liver dullness, but in the early stage there may be no enlargement of spleen or ascites (腹水). This shows that the disease may not necessarily advance to the stage of cirrhosis of liver for the production of portal hypertension and portal hypertensive gastric disease.
Case Reports
Case 1
Yiao (code number 0439) male age 32 years. He first visited the clinic on November 1997 with the complaint of suffering from oral ulcers and abdominal pain since childhood; the stools often showed wetness-heat, three or more times a day and scanty. He often had common cold, nasal obstruction, hoarseness, cough with profuse sputum, and even asthma; he also had fatigue, insomnia, stiffness of neck, backache, palpitation, vertigo, polyuria (尿頻) and hair loss. Seven years ago, he had hemorrhage of the stomache which required hospitalization. He also had bleeding of the nose and gingivae (牙齦的) and hematochezia (便血) (once he had profuse hematochezia after eating the tail of deer). On the day of first visit, he chiefly complained of repeated distensive pain (脹痛) of the upper abdomen and wetness-heat of stools which were scanty, three to four times a day with small amount of bright red blood. Two weeks before, he had exogenous illness, the persisting symptoms of which were nasal obstruction, hoarseness, blood tinged nasal discharge, insomnia, neck and loin pain, fatigue as palpitation (心悸), no family history of liver disease. Laboratory examinations of liver and kidney showed normal results. Last year, he received prophylactic type B hepatitis injections which caused blood positive antibodies. Physical examination: soft abdomen, local tenderness below xiphoid (劍突) process over upper abdomen, liver enlarged to 1.5 cm below costal margin with marked percussion tenderness over hepatic region, (+) pitting edema of lower extremities, pulse 88/min. After taking 3 parcels of TCM drugs, the liver retracted to the costal margin, but percussion tenderness persisted. There was no subjective discomfort. After another 3 parcels of TCM drugs, the liver was normal in size (1.5 cm above costal margin). The symptoms disappeared after systemic TCM therapy which was discontinued at the attainment of clinical cure and the patient was followed up. Thereafter, in the following years, the patient had several episodes of discomfort which were relieved by TCM medication every time. He traveled to other places because of working and sometimes he took TCM drugs when he felt tired or had insomnia. He had a return visit on April 2000 at which time he experienced fatigue, soreness of body after wire drinking and although the stools seemed to be normal, he found the toilet paper he used being tinged with blood at the end of defecation after ingestion of pungent food. There was so stomache ache and the liver was normal since systemic TCM therapy.
Case 2
Chan (code number 261) male, age 64 years. He had hepatitis for many years and first visited our clinic on July 1986 when he complained chiefly of nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation (噯酸), upper abdominal pain and insomnia for 7-8 years. The probable diagnosis was peptic ulcer and neurosis. For the recent decades, he had to take uninterruptedly gastric drugs and sedatives every day. Physical examination: lean and senile looking, weak, tongue with many fissures and white coating, lower margin of liver 3 cm above costal margin, liver dullness area only 5 cm. Ultrasonic examination of liver and spleen revealed chronic hepatitis with decreased size of liver; no splenomegaly (脾未腫大). Liver function examination: C, C, F, T (++). gastrointestinal barium meal examination (胃腸鋇劑檢查) showed a large ulcer in the lesser curvature of stomache and the tentative diagnosis was therefore chronic active hepatitis; cirrhosis of liver, early stage, complicated by hepatogenic peptic ulcer (肝源性潰瘍病); neurosis. Altogether, 33 parcels of TCM drugs were taken and the liver dullness returned to 1.5 cm above costal margin, but the tongue coating was still white and thin, being more prominent at the center. There was no tenderness over the upper abdomen but belching (噯氣) was still present after drug administration. There was heaviness in the chest and right hypochondrial pain. Gastroscopy (胃鏡檢查) with biopsy was done and it confirmed the diagnosis of benign ulcer of lesser curvature of stomache. He stopped the TCM medication himself half a month later. He made a return visit four months later complaining of occasional insomnia and abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed the liver 3 cm above costal margin and ultrasound showed mild persisting hepatitis, the liver slightly shrunk 0-1cm. X-ray showed marked decrease in size of the peptic ulcer. The symptoms were relieved after TCM therapy, the liver returned to 1.5 cm above costal margin, and systemic TCM treatment was stopped after a 6-weeks course. In the following years, while he received repeatedly TCM treatment, he suffered in succession, from myocardinal ischemia (心肌缺血), infection of urinary system, profuse hemorrhage after gallbladder stone operation and hypertension. These diseases were treated by western and traditional Chinese medication. The patient’s follow-up continues to the present, extending over a period of 10 more years and he is now nearly 80 years of age, still possessing a good health and no relapse of hepatomegaly (無肝大復發).
By Wong Kwok Hung
published on 20th March 2001
(translated by Professor ZHENG Hua En in September 2002)