Category Archives: The Wetness-heat evaporation form


Type (2) The wetness-heat evaporation form

In this type of classification, when the hepatitis viruses invade into the body as a pathogenic disease, it is regarded as a somewhat pathogenic factor (pathogenic factor of yin nature) from the traditional Chinese medical point of view. As wetness is apt to impair the spleen while the stagnation of the liver qi is apt to override the earth spleen, the transporting and transforming function of the spleen will be impaired leading to the deficiency of the spleen. From then the wetness created and accumulated while the liver qi is also heated resulting in the accumulation of wetness-heat in the body and cannot be cleared away easily. This will restrain the yan qi of the body mechanism.
The wetness-heat will also penetrate into the blood system; internal organs as wells as the meridians and collaterals, leading to different syndromes caused by steaming of the wetness-head and body symptoms. The steaming of wetness-heat often have clinical symptoms like wetness-heat occupied in stomach, large intestine and lungs, and pass through the Yangming Meridian to the skin and become skin diseases. As the wetness and heat are hiding and are difficult to find out and clear, so the course of disease is often very long and repeatable and may persistent over years with unstable situation. Infant patients are often overlooked and cannot receive treatment in time until they become adults.

Therefore, most chronic hepatitis patients who belong to this type of classification often have symptoms like tiredness, somnolence, insomnia, dizziness, short of breath, thin, obesity in the lower limbs, plump tongue with teeth prints at the lower borers and loss of energy and aching of the legs.

The Wetness-Heat Evaporation form may have the following five types of clinical symptoms:

1. Loss of appetite over long period of time, marked by nausea, belching, feeling sick after eating, stomach full or distension, bitterness in the mouth, halitosis, fester of the lips, tongue and gums, dryness of the oral cavity, excessive thirst (polydipsia), xxx, much wind, abdominal distension (especially after eating), increase in waist. Only few young patients may have bleeding of the gastric cavity, yellowish and greasy tongue coating or thick white tongue, plump tongue with teeth prints at the lower borders, wetness accumulated in the stomach that lead to obesity of the membrane in the mouth. The patient will easily bite himself forming oral ulcer.

2. Easy to have sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea after eating, interchangeable constipation and diarrhea, sometimes wetness-heat in defecation and few in volume and feeling tenesmus (have the bowel intention but unable to defecate), sometimes marked with a scorching hot at the anus after defecation. This type of patients is also sensitive in stomach and intestines and will have abdominal distension, pain, diarrhea, or indigestion after eating. In some cases, the patients may feel dull pain over a long period of time at the right part of the ribs. When they are tired or exhausted, the situation is more serious.

3. If the large intestine is always accumulated by pathogenic heat, it will lead to constipation in the long run. Faeces are in hard pellet form with a scorching hot anus, marked by hemorrhoids and anal fissure and even repeated bleeding. Situation of chronic and long-term nature is the inducing factor to the development of deficiency of blood and qi.

4. When wetness accumulated in the liver or heat occupied in the lungs and stomach, such heat will be transferred to the Yangming Meridian and onpass to the skin forming different skin diseases. No matter female or male, the sebaceous glands on the head and face will increase and undergo trichomadesis or having acnes on faces, breast or back of the skin, or even eczema or thrush. For adults, the wetness and heat would be a pathogenic source of sensitive diseases e.g. urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, frequent-occurring oral ulceration. The stubborn acnes for young people are often highly related to chronic hepatitis.

Due to the deficiency of qi (vital energy) of the spleen, the wetness accumulated. The pathogenic elements in the qi of the liver cannot be evacuated and is forced to rise to the head in the form of heat energy when pathogenic wind exists. This type of pathogenic heat (known as liver fire or phlegm-fire) presses up to the head and disturbs the sober and clam qi. This will change or transform to dizziness. When someone is over-fatigue, affected by the seven emotional factors (joy, anger, melancholy, brooding, sorrow, fear and shock) and six desires, or has been sick for a long time, both the blood and the qi (vital energy) are inadequate and large quantity of water is required to reimburse the loss. If the patients take in too much cold drinks, it may lead to dizziness, tinnitus, nausea. It is usually diagnosed as the imbalance of ear fluid.
(translated by QC in February 2002)